Fee Schedule

UCSC and non-UCSC  are invited to use the facility. We commonly accept samples for isotopic analysis (and occasionally, also sample preparation); however, not all requests can be accommodated. Use of the facility requires prior authorization and agreement. 

The table below is our fee schedule for the 2016-17 fiscal year.

  basis University of California non-profit for-profit
Wet chemistry clean lab        
unassisted /day $25 $80 $210
sample prep "simple" unassisted /sample 5 16 42
sample prep "complex" unassisted /sample 10 32 84
sample prep assisted /sample 35 93 203
MC-ICP-MS (Neptune)        
assisted /analysis 58 118 242
unassisted /hour 33 72 ---
TIMS (sector 54, x62)        
assisted /analysis 60 120 240
unassisted /analysis 35 80 ---
Additional labor /hour 118 190 358

Rates subject to change.

For any inquiry, contact Dr. Brian Dreyer.